Kendini Bil

Ne oldum ne olacağım değil de insan her şeyden önce neyim ve kimim sorularını sormalı bence kendine. Kendini tanımadan hayatını nasıl şekillendirebilirsin ki ? Yani yeteneklerini tanı ve onlarla neler yapabileceğini gör. Belki daha önce bunları çok kez okudun, duydun ya da ilk defa bunun hakkında düşünüyorsun. Fark etmez. Dön bak şimdi içine.

Gerçekte kimsin sen ? Nelerden hoşlanıyorsun ? Neleri yapmak seni mutlu ediyor ?Gerçekten ne istiyorsun ? Nelere sevmiyorsun ? Belki cevap alamayabilirsin belki de cevap yoktur. Olsun önemli olan korkmadan sormandır kendine tekrar ve tekrar cevap sana gelecektir belki de en beklemediğin anda. Bu yüzden pes etme asla sor o soruları tekrar çünkü ne kadar çoğumuz kendimizi bilmeye yaklaşırsak hayat hepimiz için daha iyiye doğru güzelleşecek ben buna inanmak istiyorum

Turkish Traditions

Turkish Tea

Turkish tea is not just a strong dark red brew served in a tulip shaped glass, it’s a tradition that revolves around hospitality. Wherever you go in Turkey, it’s traditional to be offered a cup of Turkish tea as a sign of welcome, whether you’re at someone’s home, a shop, or even the hairdresser.

Kına Gecesi (Henna Night)

A celebration among the bride and her female relatives and friends before the wedding, the Henna Night traditionally involves the application of henna on the bride’s hands.

Farklı Kına Gecesi Konseptleri | Evlilik | Blog | Elite World Hotels

Oil Wrestling

Oil wrestling is one of Turkey’s most traditional sports with roots that go all the way back to ancient Mesopotamia. During the famous Kırkpınar oil-wrestling tournament in Edirne, the wrestlers douse themselves in oil and then wrestle until a loser is declared . Oil wrestling matches can go on for up to 40 minutes . It can be quite captivating.

10 Things to Know About Oil Wrestling, Turkey's National Sport

Nazar Boncugu (The Evil Eye)

One of Turkey’s most popular souvenirs, these blue eyes made of glass are actually meant to ward off the negative energy from someone’s eyes who feels envious of you. The evil eye is blue because according to superstition, blue eyes give off the most negative energy, and the glass eye is supposed to cancel it out.

Traditionally, Evil eyes are pinned onto newborn babies’ clothes as well as hung above doors in houses and businesses for protection against bad luck. When a baby is born, friends and family will often give it an evil eye for protection.

Eski Medeniyetlerden Bugüne “Nazar Boncuğu”

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Legendary Figures From Turkish History

Halide Edip Adıvar Kimdir? Hayatı Eserleri ve Edebi Kişiliği - Güzel  Bilgiler

Halide Edib Adivar Born in Istanbul in 1884, Halide Edib Adivar was not only a novelist but also a nationalist and political leader for women’s rights who actively fought for the emancipation of women. In her novels, Adivar focused on the low social status of women and criticized their lack of interest in altering their situation. The daughter of an elite family, Adivar left the comforts of her life in Istanbul to move to Ankara with her husband and join the movement during the Turkish War of Independence.

Atatürk Sabiha gökçen ile | Nadide fotoğraflar, Fotoğraf, Fotoğraf duvari
Sabiha Gökçen with Atatürk

Sabiha Gökçen Anyone who has visited Istanbul is familiar with the name Sabiha Gökçen because the Sabiha Gökçen International Airport on the city’s Asian side is named after this famous pilot. Gökçen was the first woman in Turkey to earn a pilot’s license and is also believed to be the world’s first female combat pilot. With a specialization in fighter airplanes and bomber aircrafts, Gökçen was also the adopted daughter of Atatürk (the founder of the republic) himself.

Nene Hatun Kimdir? - Nene Hatun Hayatı ve Biyografisi

Nene Hatun “A Turkish child may become an orphan, but will never be without a homeland,” said Turkey’s warrior mother Nene Hatun a heroic Turkish mother who left her newborn baby behind to fight for her country. Before turning 20, the young woman did not hesitate to leave everything and everybody behind, including her son and her newborn baby girl, to fight alongside the Turkish forces at the height of the war wreaking havoc in Eastern Turkey. After the wars she became a national heroine when a journalist, Ismail Habib Sevuk, published her story during his research . 

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One of the future jobs : Cyborg designer

Cyborg designer is one of the future jobs. First of all what is a cyborg ? A cyborg , short for “cybernetic organism”, is a being with both organic and biomechatronic body parts. Technology is getting closer to the human body or we are turning into cyborgs. There are several definitions about at which level people can be called: cyborgs. Its from wearing glasses over wearables and exoskeletons to implants. It doesn’t matter if we are already cyborgs or not. The important thing is that we are in transition being more cyborg like. That’s why we are talking about the cyborgisation as a Process

Cyborg designers shape cyborgs.They design how cyborg will look like and what feature it will have. You can watch this video and learn more


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About me

Hi I’m Özlem and I’m fifteen years old .I was born in Çorlu/Tekirdağ since then I live here. I have a sister. She is in 4rd grade at primary school. My mom is a math teacher. My dad is a school principal. He studied chemistry at university he was a chemistry teacher at first then he became principal.

I really like watching movies and series. I especially prefer scary movies while watching scary movies I have fun . I like reading books too. I prefer adventure ,fantastic and psychological books. I like listening music a lot too. I’m fond of all kind of music.

I live in Çorlu. It is a small city but we have lots of good hang out places,cafes,malls etc. I’ve got great friends. People in my neighborhood are really friendly towards each other. My house is near my friend’s so it is easy for us to hang out together.

My house is really close to supermarket so it is easy for me shop. My mom don’t really like our house she wants to move but my dad and sister likes it for now so I don’t think we will move .I like my room it is big and cozy and it doesn’t really have a lot furniture in it so i have a lot of space it is nice.

I think Tekirdağ is nice too but i still prefer Çorlu. What i like most about Tekirdağ is sea. I like sea a lot. My most unforgettable memory about it is once we went to watch the sunrise it was really early so it was hard to wake up but it was nice i had fun that day.

What i mostly do on weekdays is i’ve got classes so i attend them and study. On weekends i mostly rest and wake up late usually then i watch some movies or series. I spend some time with my sister and family.

About future i am not %100 sure about what i want to do and how i want to live my life. I have some interests in some jobs and other things but i don’t know it can change. I’m still searching for the one that feels best. I hope i can find one soon.I don’t really have plans.I once saw this quote that says ‘Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans’ it felt quite accurate so i decided to live like where life takes me.

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